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This command will give you the accept and drop rate for the last minute for the IP specified.
This command will give you the accept and drop rate for the last minute for the IP specified.
  [Expert@cplogger]# IP=""; for i in accept drop; do printf "$i "; fw log -n -c $i -h $IP -s `/bin/date --date="1 minutes ago" +%T` -e `/bin/date +%T` |wc -l; done
  [Expert@cplogger]# '''IP=""; for i in accept drop; do printf "$i "; fw log -n -c $i -h $IP -s `/bin/date --date="1 minutes ago" +%T` -e `/bin/date +%T` |wc -l; done'''
  accept    699
  accept    699
  drop    301
  drop    301

Revision as of 17:13, 23 June 2014

baseline /count accepts & drops for the last minute from firewall accept commmand

# fw log -n -c accept -h -s `/bin/date --date="1 minutes ago" +%T` -e `/bin/date +%T` |wc -l

drop command

# fw log -n -c drop -h -s `/bin/date --date="1 minutes ago" +%T` -e `/bin/date +%T` |wc -l

script (one liner)

This command will give you the accept and drop rate for the last minute for the IP specified.

[Expert@cplogger]# IP=""; for i in accept drop; do printf "$i "; fw log -n -c $i -h $IP -s `/bin/date --date="1 minutes ago" +%T` -e `/bin/date +%T` |wc -l; done
accept     699
drop     301