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Check Point Profressional Services
(Created page with " Check Point firewall versions: All currently supported (R65-R77 as of this posting) <table border="1" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4"> <tr> <td><strong>Concurrent connection...")

Latest revision as of 00:12, 17 April 2014

Check Point firewall versions: All currently supported (R65-R77 as of this posting)

Concurrent connections limit Hash size (bytes) Mem. Pool (MB) Max. Mem. Pool (MB)
0-21000 65536 6-8 24-33
22000-43000 131072 8-17 35-68
44000-87000 262144 17-34 70-139
88000-174000 524288 35-69 140-278
175000-349000 1048576 70-139 280-559
350000-699000 2097152 140-279 560-1119
700000-1398000 4194304 280-559 1121-2047

As an example, for a maximum concurrent connections limit of 725000, an automatic calculation of connections hash table size and memory pool would result in the following:

Connections hash table size: 4194304 Memory pool size: 290 MB Maximum memory pool size: 1161 MB