revoking Check Point administrator certificates

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Check Point Profressional Services

problem description

versions: Check Point R65 - R75 (guessing)

products: reported on Provider-1, but could be relavant for a Smartcenter / Smart-1

Sometimes the need arises to revoke a user's certificate via CLI. One such situation is one where an administrator account was deleted without first revoking the certificate in the GUI. This will delete the user but leave the user certificate behind. If you try to recreate a user with the same name and generate a certificate, sometimes the certificate generation will fail. An exact error message is not documented here.


no return value from above, so account non-existent

1. list current certs for user

[Expert@P1server]# cpca_client lscert | grep -A 2 -i  johnsmith                                                                  
Subject = CN=johnsmith,OU=users,O=P1server..rsyqv9
Status = Revoked   Kind = SIC   Serial = 26247   DP = 0
Not_Before: Mon Dec  9 20:30:28 2013   Not_After: Sun Dec  9 20:30:28 2018
Subject = CN=johnsmith,OU=users,O=P1server..rsyqv9
Status = Valid   Kind = SIC   Serial = 47765   DP = 0
Not_Before: Fri Mar 28 04:57:09 2014   Not_After: Thu Mar 28 04:57:09 2019

2. revoke valid certs by referencing the CNs from above

[Expert@P1server]# cpca_client revoke_cert -n "CN=johnsmith,OU=users,O=P1server..rsyqv9"

Certificate was revoked successfully

3. verify all certs have a status of revoked

[Expert@P1server]# cpca_client lscert | grep -A 2 -i johnsmith
Subject = CN=johnsmith,OU=users,O=P1server..rsyqv9
Status = Revoked   Kind = SIC   Serial = 26247   DP = 0
Not_Before: Mon Dec  9 20:30:28 2013   Not_After: Sun Dec  9 20:30:28 2018
Subject = CN=johnsmith,OU=users,O=P1server..rsyqv9
Status = Revoked   Kind = SIC   Serial = 47765   DP = 0
Not_Before: Fri Mar 28 04:57:09 2014   Not_After: Thu Mar 28 04:57:09 2019
