cpstat examples

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Check Point Profressional Services

[Expert@chkpmgr3:0]# cpstat -h -f policy fw

Product name:               Firewall
Policy name:                Standard
Policy install time:        Fri Jun 10 15:31:13 2016
Num. connections:           11
Peak num. connections:      35
Connections capacity limit: 0
Total accepted packets:     5566405
Total dropped packets:      0
Total rejected packets:     0
Total accepted bytes:       3426062164
Total dropped bytes:        0
Total rejected bytes:       0
Total logged:               8518

Interface table
|Name|Dir|Accept |Drop |Reject|Log |
| eth0|in |3276782| 4894|     0|7379|
| eth0|out|1376700|    1|     0|   1|
|eth1|in | 872610| 6836|     0|1056|
|eth1|out|  25708|    0|     0|   0|
|eth2|in |  14461|    0|     0|   0|
|eth2|out|    143|    0|     0|   0|
|    |   |5566404|11731|     0|8436|

[Expert@chkpmgr3:0]# cpstat -h ha

Product name: High Availability
Version:      N/A
Status:       OK
HA installed: 1
Working mode: Sync only (OPSEC)
HA started:   yes

[Expert@chkpmgr3:0]# cpstat -h blades

Packets accepted :          5567773
Packets dropped :           0
Peak number of connections: 35
Number of connections:      9

Top Rule Hits
|rule index|rule count|
|Rule 0    |     15251|
|Rule 3    |      6139|
|Rule 5    |      1311|
|Rule 1    |         6|

[Expert@chkpmgr3:0]# cpstat -h -f log_connection fw

Corrupted reply: Columns are not of same length.

[Expert@chkpmgr3:0]# cpstat -h -f multi_cpu os

Processors load
|CPU#|User Time(%)|System Time(%)|Idle Time(%)|Usage(%)|Run queue|Interrupts/sec|
|   1|           1|             1|          98|       2|        ?|          4098|
|   2|           0|             1|          99|       1|        ?|          4098|
|   3|           6|             2|          93|       7|        ?|          4098|
|   4|           0|             0|          99|       1|        ?|          4099|

[Expert@chkpmgr3:0]# cpstat -h -f connectivity os

Connectivity to User Center: -

[Expert@chkpmgr3:0]# cpstat -h -f perf os

Total Virtual Memory (Bytes):            4201517056
Active Virtual Memory (Bytes):           335167488
Total Real Memory (Bytes):               985444352
Active Real Memory (Bytes):              335093760
Free Real Memory (Bytes):                650350592
Memory Swaps/Sec:                        -
Memory To Disk Transfers/Sec:            -
CPU User Time (%):                       0
CPU System Time (%):                     1
CPU Idle Time (%):                       99
CPU Usage (%):                           1
CPU Queue Length:                        -
CPU Interrupts/Sec:                      996
CPUs Number:                             4
Disk Servicing Read\Write Requests Time: -
Disk Requests Queue:                     -
Disk Free Space (%):                     66
Disk Total Free Space (Bytes):           8332877824
Disk Available Free Space (Bytes):       7688634368
Disk Total Space (Bytes):                12481380352

[Expert@chkpmgr3:0]# cpstat -h -f sync fw

sync - configured:                                   Yes
sync - out state:                                    On
sync - in state:                                     On
sync - number of sent packets:                       114550
sync - number of Kbytes sent:                        27052
sync - number of packets received:                   93019
sync - number of Kbytes received:                    56304
sync - number of retrans requests sent:              0
sync - number of retrans requests received:          0
sync - number of ack packets sent:                   3
sync - number of ack packets received:               3
sync - number of packets dropped by network:         0
sync - overall number of table updates to be synced: 553440
sync - number of updates filtered by 'non sync':     262792

[Expert@chkpmgr3:0]# cpstat -h -f inspect fw

Product name:         Firewall
inspect - packets:    0
inspect - operations: 0
inspect - lookups:    0
inspect - record:     0
inspect - extract:    0

[Expert@chkpmgr3:0]# cpstat -h -f sensors os