nokia db debug mode via console

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Check Point Profressional Services

nokia db debug mode via console

This article desribes how to break, interrupt, debug or reboot a nokia from the console... without having to login to a tty. To do so, we need to...

1. Send a break via the console 2. Enter the debug mode

Send break

for a WTI scm, send break by default is

 ctrl \

for a telnet console,

 ctrl ]

then at the telnet prompt...

 telnet>  send break <enter>

Enter debug mode

on nokia firewalls, after the send break there is no "feedback".

To enter ipso debug mode, type the following within a couple of seconds following the send break

 ddb <enter>

if successful, you will see the following prompt...


type help for a list of available commands. these vary by platform.

 db> help
 print       p           examine     x           search      set
 write       w           delete      d           break       b
 dwatch      watch       dhwatch     hwatch      step        s
 continue    c           until       next        match       trace
 t           alltrace    where       bt          call        show
 ps          gdb         halt        reboot      reset       kill
 watchdog    thread      panic

if you want to reboot, and the option isn't present as above, use panic.