smartupdate license repository commands
License Database Operations:
taken from R77 CP_R77_CLI_ReferenceGuide.pdf
Print licenses in database
cplic db_print <object name | -all> [-n noheader] [-x print signatures] [-t type] [-a attached]
cplic db_add
Used to add one or more licenses to the license repository on the Security Management server. When local license are added to the license repository, they are automatically attached to its intended Check Point gateway, central licenses need to undergo the attachment process(using cplic put).
cplic get
The cplic get command retrieves all licenses from a Security Gateway (or from all Security Gateways) into the license repository on the Security Management Server. This command helps you to synchronize the repository with the Check Point Security Gateways. When the command is run, all local changes are updated.
cplic put
Description Use the cplic put command to attach one or more central or local license remotely. When this command is executed, the license repository is also updated.
cplic put <object name> [-ip dynamic ip] [-F <output file>] -l <license-file> [<host>] [<expiration date>] [<signature>] [<SKU/feature>
Add license to database
cplic db_add < -l license-file | host expiration-date signature SKU/features >
Remove license from database
cplic db_rm <signature>