cpmiquerybin on SmartCenter server

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Check Point Profressional Services

cpmiquerybin is a useful tool found on Check Point Provider-1 servers. Ever wish you had it on a SmartCenter? Well, you can. Copy the cpmiquerybin from a Provider-1 (OF THE SAME Check Point VERSION) to your SmartCenter.

set environment variables

add the following lines to $CPDIR/tmp/.CPprofile.sh

MDSDIR="/opt/CPshrd-R75.40"; export MDSDIR
[Expert@ckkpmgr]# source $CPDIR/tmp/.CPprofile.sh

successful test run

[Expert@ckkpmgr]# cpmiquerybin attr "" network_objects "name='LocalMachine'" -a __name__
get_cust_name: couldn't find /customers/ within fwdir

The error concerning the customers dir is annoying. I tried to make some dummy dirs to fake it out...

mkdir /opt/CPsuite-R75.40/fw1/customers
mkdir /opt/CPsuite-R75.40/fw1/customers/dummy
mkdir /opt/CPshrd-R75.40/customers
mkdir /opt/CPshrd-R75.40/customers/dummy

but it didn't work... so, best to use a function.

add a global function to /etc/profile

function cpquery() { /usr/local/bin/cpmiquerybin "$@" 2>&1 | grep -v "get_cust_name: couldn't find";}

then, use the function cpquery at the shell command line in place of cpmiquerybin. You aren't supposed to use aliases in scripts, maybe you can use the global function? or you can define the function in all your scripts.