opengear console notes

to enter portmanager shell, run pmshell
$ pmshell 1: Router 4: PDU 6: ISR 8: Switch 33: Front, Upper 34: Front, Lower
Connect to port >
to connect to a port, just type the number followed by <enter>
escape character:
- By default, the escape character is: ~
- If you are connected using the OpenSSH command line client, e.g. from Mac or Linux system, you must type a second ~ to trigger the escape, i.e.: ~~
- An alternate escape character may be set under Serial & Network -> Serial Port -> Edit/Edit Multiple Ports -> Escape Character
- The escape character must be the first character on a new line
Shell Commands: ~b - Generate BREAK ~h - View history ~p - Power menu ~c - Port Configuration menu ~u – User sessions disconnect menu ~m - Connect to port menu ~. - Exit pmshell ~? - Show this message